Green Transition Information Factory

The ESA Green Transition Information Factory (GTIF) allows users to interactively discover the underlying opportunities and complexities of transitioning to carbon neutrality by 2050 using the power of Earth Observation, cloud-computing and cutting edge analytics. As part of the GTIF Kickstarters, Polar View, in collaboration with EOX, the National Research… Continue reading

Foundation Models for Earth Observation

Polar View is supporting the Norwegian Computing Center in their project for ESA to develop, train, and implement a multi-modal foundation model (FM) and use the FM as the basis for the development and implementation of six different use-cases.  Polar View is providing the iceberg detection use case. Foundation models… Continue reading

OGC Open Science Persistent Demonstrator

Polar TEP has been selected as one of the platforms for the Open Geospatial Consortium’s Open Science Persistent Demonstrator (OSPD) project. OPSD is a long-term inter-agency initiative aiming to enable and communicate reproducible Earth Science across global communities of users and amplify inter-agency Earth Observation mission data, tools, and infrastructures.… Continue reading

Polar TEP Education Module

An eScience Lab Template has been created for a Jupyter Notebook-based teaching tutorial using Polar TEP. The course template in an implemented in an example Jupyter Notebook that uses XCube to generate NDVI. The Jupyter Notebook example has now been used as the foundation for two university courses and more… Continue reading

4D Viewer

In collababoration with Earthwave, Polar TEP users now have access to state-of-the-art 4D visualization capabilities. The 4D Viewer is based on that developed for the Digital Twin Antarctica precursor initiative and has been enhanced to support data created within Polar TEP. Continue reading

CryoSat-2 Data

Polar TEP users can now access the CryoSat-2 CryoTEMPO-EOLIS point and gridded products in Jupyter Notebooks.  At present this consists of point product and gridded product of Svalbard for the lifetime of CryoSat-2 (i.e., 2010 -> present).  In the coming year, this will be expanded to Greenland, Antarctica, Iceland, Central… Continue reading


Polar View and KSAT have worked to make EOPORT and Polar TEP interoperable. Polar TEP users can obtain NRT data from EOPORT. EOPORT users can store, visualize, and analyze their NRT data using Polar TEP’s tools and computing resources, including Machine Learning. Polar TEP – Provides a complete working environment… Continue reading